March 2024 Newsletter
Email Correction Re the Jasper County Council January 25th meeting
Please note the following correction from our last email sent on 03/11/24: After watching the entire January 25th County Council meeting (2 1/2+ hours), I (Karen Wyld) did not see the County Council vote to give itself a raise. They did give raises to the county administrator, county attorney, and council clerk. That is within their purview. I apologize to the council for the misrepresentation and will be more vigilant in vetting the information that goes out to our members going forward.
Thanks to all those who attended our meeting at Eats & Sweets Tuesday night. It was a full jam-packed meeting!
Meeting Recap:
Joey Rowell Candidate for Jasper County Council
If you can host a meet & greet for Joey Rowell in your home, please let us know. It would be much appreciated. We must work together to spread the word and turn out the vote for this all-important Special Election.
The County Council Special Election is April 23.
Early voting runs from April 8 to April 19 at the Voter Registration Office in Ridgeland (1506 Grays Hwy) and the First Baptist Church of Hardeeville Fellowship Hall (13 Main St.) - a new location. Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm.
School Board Candidates Needed: Odd Numbered Districts
We have one School Board candidate so far, but more are needed in the odd districts.
You can find your school district at my registration. If you're in an odd numbered district and have the heart to help improve the public education system, please consider running for the Jasper County School Board. Contact Karen Wyld (518-423-9910) or Tim Crosby (706-831-7306) for information.
Republican Presidential Preference Primary Voter Turnout
Voter turnout in the Republican Presidential Preference Primary was mediocre (25%). Our two biggest precincts, Margaritaville and Sun City, had turnout of 54.5% and 51.6%, respectively. However, a lot of that turnout was due to crossover by the democrats who voted for Nikki Haley. Countywide, Trump beat Haley 57% to 42%.
We must tell our representatives in Columbia that we want REGISTRATION BY PARTY AND CLOSED PRIMARIES!
“Fauci” Comes To South Carolina
Two bills regarding our South Carolina healthcare system are being debated right now in Columbia. These bills to restructure DHEC (H.4927 and S.915) would appoint a health czar and have DHEC taking direction from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). BCG has ties with the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Bank Group, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as being a founding member of the Global Coalition - Partnering for Racial and Ethnic Justice. The health czar would have the authority to require assistance from sheriffs and State National Guard in enforcing healthcare edicts. It's urgent that we contact our representatives and ask them why they are partnering with the BCG.
Tell them to consider the source and keep BCG out of South Carolina's healthcare.
Reminder! Please Attend Our Monthly JCRP Meeting,
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, April 9, 6:30. (location TBD).
Come by 6:00 PM for conversation and refreshments!
(Bring A Disgruntled Friend!)
Important Dates!
Mark Your Calendars!
Next Jasper County Council Meeting
Jasper County Clementa C. Pinckney Government Bldg.
358 3rd Avenue, Ridgeland, SC 29936
April 18, 2024, 6:30 PM
County Council Special Election
April 23, 2024
Early voting for Statewide Primaries
May 28 — June 7, 2024
Statewide Primaries
June 11, 2024
Early voting for General Election
October 21 — November 2, 2024
General Election Day!
November 5, 2024